Golf Digest + Jonnie Walker + Steiner Sports Hole-In-One Campaign

The objective was to rejuvenate the inactive Hole-In-One platform and reintroduce it as a dual opportunity for both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) markets. The strategy centered on marketing the "Greatest Shot in Golf" as a coveted keepsake that any golfer achieving this feat would desire to commemorate. To facilitate this, a custom microsite was developed to offer Hole-In-One certificates and premium merchandise produced by Steiner Sports, alongside the opportunity to sell advertising sponsorships for the platform. This approach culminated in the successful sale of the H1 program to Johnnie Walker, which saw its implementation across print, online, and consumer products, showcasing the program's versatility and appeal.

The website provided Johnnie Walker with branding on Hole-In-On-Club certificates, plus additional exposure opportunities that extended important Johnnie Walker messaging to the entire Golf Digest brand audience of 11+ million avid and highly affluent golfers.