Microsite GAME: Skippy Peanut Butter Adventure Zone
Skippy requested the development of a maze game to be featured on the promotional website for Skippy’s Adventure Zone Activation program. The website aimed to captivate children with entertaining and informative content, boost awareness and enthusiasm for America's National Parks, motivate kids to venture outdoors, and inspire them to become Junior Rangers. The maze game was designed to support these objectives. My role involved crafting the game's illustration, ensuring it delivered a memorable and impactful experience for all participants.
Objective: The goal of the maze game was to complete each level of the maze – there were 12, one for each park - as quickly as possible. There were prizes to collect along the way that enabled higher scores. There was no time limit and no “game-over” obstacles along the way, so kids could never “lose” the game. A leaderboard was made available to players at the end of the game.
Skippy Adventure Zone Maze Illustrations
Creative: The mazes were full-color illustrations of the 12 parks, with elements from those parks used creatively to create the maze paths and walls. The illustration style took the lead from the approved junior ranger creative, with the same fun, clean look.
Animation was used to help add fun and life to the scenes. For instance, leaves rustled in the breeze, and critters crawled on the walls.
Sound was employed to enhance the experience. For example, as the ranger moved through the scenes there were footprint sounds. Other ambient audio was also applied to the environment.
Maze Navigation Mockups